nominee – human resources

Lucie Mužíková
tel: + 420 224 800 930
mob: + 420 603 238 181
we turn human resource complexity into a competitive advantage
The key elements that companies need to achieve success always depend on people. Education and the development of people, the correct setup of processes and management, company culture and pre-defining or audit of work are the key elements with which our firm can help you.
our services
Human resources service
Practical solutions aimed at increasing performance, productivity and profitability, as well as job satisfaction and related employee loyalty
Personnel audits, outplacement of employees
Employee recruitment and their adaptation
Evaluation interviews and professional development of employees
Talent management, motivation and payroll processing
Stress management, psychological consulting
Leadership, employee engagement and corporate culture
Nominee service
Friendly and efficient administrative support to Czech and foreign entities doing business in the Czech Republic
Provision of an address for a company´s registered office
Provision of an address for the long-term residence of a business person
Provision of an individual to act as managing director, branch manager and member of the board
Administration of data boxes via a nominee installed in the company’s governing body, or in other cases via an “administrator”